Tarpaulins Sheet

 Tarpaulins are large plastic sheets used to provide protection to goods and other objects in bad weather conditions such as rain, heavy storms, and sunlight. These Tarpaulins come with aluminum or brass eyelets and have meter interval space on all four sides. These covers are usually made from high quality polyethylene material, are durable, strong and completely waterproof. These are widely used in many fields and applications. Rope-reinforced hems and an interwoven core prevent fraying and make the tarp strain-resistant. These are available in a variety of colors and sizes and may be used for a variety of purposes. These are used in many ways to protect both indoor and outdoor items. These are used to protect buildings after disasters. These are used in home functions as they come in a variety of colors, shades, and materials, so their mesh covering offers versatility, flexibility, and a pleasing appearance. These are used as temporary solutions to provide protection to homes in unfortunate events like fire damage, storm or hurricane winds, or fallen trees. These UV-treated tarps can survive the harmful elements brought by wind or rain, and they may also be used in the winter. These are also used to protect hail, storm surge, topsoil from gales, and other storm-related things. These covers are not only used to block out rain, but also protect vehicles from dust, rain, bird poop, and strong UV rays. These covers can be used in the winter and summer seasons to cover wood, wild animals, and most campers use them as tents to protect against moisture. These covers are cost-effective, get a variety of applications, and are washable.

  • These Tarpaulin covers are completely waterproof, shrink-proof, rot-proof, and UV protected and are ideal for covering products and sensitive items damaged by bad weather conditions and sunlight.

  • These covers are simple to store since they come with a storage bag that keeps them safe from damage caused by wind, dirt, dust, UV rays, cold, rain, bird droppings, and tree sap when not in use.

  • These covers are used to make curtains in the chicken house. Poultry takes a lot of attention and care.

  • These sheets are commonly used to cover boats. The boat may be filled with water if it rains. As a result, it is easily sinkable. Boat covers are used to prevent this type of accident.

  • These tarps are windproof, sunscreen, weatherproof, UV resistant, tear resistant, durable and not easy to fade. These waterproof tarpaulins are utilized in a variety of applications, including furniture, table chairs, washing machines, air conditioner covers, barbeque, rocking chairs, loveseats, outdoor garden, yard, and patio couches.

  • These weatherproof sheets stand the passage of time without posing any problems, as well as many outdoor sofas, garden tables, and dining chairs are protected and preserved by these waterproof tarps.


  • Waterproof

  • rot-proof, shrink-proof, and UV-resistant

  • HDPE weave with

  • LDPE lamination

  • Rope-reinforced hems

  • Every metre has an aluminium eyelet.

  • It's easy to handle and lightweight.

  • UV stabilized

  • light in weight

  • Environment-friendly

  • Breathable

  • Mold proofing

  • Groundwater material

  • coated on both sides.

  • waterproof, stabilized, and durable.

  • Washable


  1. Thanks for sharing this information.
    We are the leading tarpaulin manufactures in Kerala The International Tarpaulin Company, Kerala.
    ITC,provides the best quality tarpaulin products and exclusive services.


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